Welcome to Wallace Partners - Your Local Gold Coast Accountant
Focusing on our Clients
We love our clients, and it’s important that we understand your unique business and financial situation because it allows us to provide the best service and results to you.
To find out how we can help you, call us on 07 5526 3888 and we look forward to meeting you…
Check out our Services below for more information on how we can help you grow, develop & improve your small business.

About Us
Wallace Partners was established in 2011, by the director Sarah Wallace. As your local Gold Coast Accountants, our number one aim is to ensure our focus is always on our clients.
Helping small business succeed is what we do.
Sarah’s passion is her affordable Small Business Advisory Service. Its very rewarding to see our clients succeed! It involves a mix of tax compliance work and meeting with clients every quarter to go over the numbers, identify opportunities for improvement and growth, saving on costs, setting and monitoring goals and providing a support system, because sometimes you just need to someone to talk to.
Best of all we know that not everyone is accountant (and that you may not love numbers as much as we do!) we take the time to help our clients understand our advice.
With proactive advice, exceptional service, a fantastic well trained small team of staff that are up to date with the all of the latest tax laws, you will have the all of the support and guidance you need to help your business be extraordinary!
Our Services
We offer a complete range of business accounting services including:
Affordable small business advisory service to grow, develop and monitor your business, financial statements, tax returns and business activity statements; software set up & training, and much more!
All of our compliance based work is prepared on a fixed price basis, call us for a quote.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation