Did you know… The ATO wants your personal contact details
The Individual tax return 2014 for tax agents includes additional fields asking us to provide your email address and mobile phone number. The Tax Office states that this will enable it to directly contact you with any queries about your tax and superannuation affairs.
Note however these fields are not mandatory, and can be left blank.
As your nominated representative, this office can act as a point of contact between you and the Tax Office. Even so, the Tax Office insists that there may be times when it will be more appropriate to write directly to you, and not come through this office. Its own guidelines dictate that when written correspondence is issued directly to a client of a tax agent, the tax agent must be informed at least one week before the letter is sent.
But it also stipulates that in high-risk “seriously non-compliant” situations it may contact a taxpayer without issuing prior notice — for example, if a person is involved in fraudulent activities, offshore secrecy havens or tax evasion. This can also be the case if the Tax Office is securing assets or making unannounced visits (see the article on its access powers above).
However, apart from the obvious advantages of having an extension to lodge and being able to deduct fees for tax return preparation, engaging a tax agent such as this office will not only assist in helping you understand your tax obligations but will make sure all your tax affairs are above board.